
 My name is Lidia Gabriela Contreras Escobar and despite what my eyes can say about me, I’m a 100% Mexican. I was born in the late 80’s in Mexico City, a great place to get inspired everyday through its culture, tasty food, bright colors and contrasts everywhere.

I received my Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design from Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana at the age of 24 and while I was attending the University, a shoe design contest was released which energized my interest in footwear, so, I took my first “how to” course. My teacher’s passion enchanted me and since that moment I wanted to know everything about the footwear industry.

My professional experience revolves around footwear, accessories, color and material design. I always convey my ideas to evoke emotions, I am captivated by the things you can get to touch and feel not only with your hands but with all your senses.